7. SM65-blog

6. SM65 - Repair

2024.12.06 19:28

                                         Samba Muse 65 - Repair


Share (6.):                                (NCS Latin dance sound & Covers, 2K)

                    Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram, Vimeo, Reddit, TikTok


5. Royalty-free

2024.08.24 19:00




On the 24th, I changed the backgrounds of the 3 youtube videos to royalty-free music sections.


The samba point came out of a section and also assigns a watermark to the downloaded ones. 

Perhaps the royalty distribution factor hindered our all-encompassing plans. 

This, not at all consonant gordon, succeeded in the sufficiently long track composition.

Which is called Acopalyptic Echoes.

4. Samba Muse 65 - Recreate Mp4 FHD

2024.07.15 01:44

                                  Samba Muse 65 - Recreate Mp4 FHD

"Long short trio" Share (7.):


3. Samba Muse 65 - Namelist

2024.03.14 09:36

                                       Samba Muse 65 - Namelist


2. Samba Muse 65

2024.01.18 16:23

                                             Samba Muse 65

Pre-version (8/15/2022) 4K-version (1/12/2024):
1. Complete AI enhance Neural.Love: upscale, sharpen, unblur, facial, un-scratch 29$ (9984Ft).
2. Optimizing, resize AdobeExpress.
3. SlideShow maker NCHsoftware.
4. Background soundtrack mastered BandLab tone: "afrobeats background vocal" DjSmithBeatz.
SambaMuse65 "short-version" (1/24/2024):


1. SM65 Wide trio (4K)

2024.01.12 15:34

                                              SM65 Wide trio (4K)

3 "wide-version" *HottestList
"short-version" (TikTokRedditFacebookPinterestInstagram)

                                                 Samba Muse 65

3. Samba Muse 65
Marching tableau of the year 2020.
Lexical memorabilia of super league sambadrome narrated 65’s queens name at 33th fest.
Topic source: https://g1.globo.com/carnaval/2020/playlist/carnaval-2020-musas.ghtml